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Windows ElmasryXp 2013 Speech Version designer Mr. / Egyptian Essam
Based on the SP3 version
And also activated automatically
It was added in Internet Explorer 8
And by some version aesthetic programs
Nm add Sky driver definitions
Was also add another updates Maikarofst for Windows.
Screen Shot:
What has been deleted: -
- =============
- Languages ??has been deleted unwanted
- Tour has been removed
- Remove the old backgrounds and sounds
- Delete definitions printer and scanner
- The definition has been deleted ISDN
What has been affixed: -
- Added Net Framework 2.0
- Added a new high-tech backgrounds
- The new theme
- Added Screen Saver
- Added all SATA definitions for all devices
- Added the definitions Lan
- New indicators were added was the work list
- Added Extras Control Panel
- The new 3 Games
- Added new icons
- Added an antivirus program ÇáÝáÇÔÇE
- L Clock program to add the beautiful appearance of the Hours
- Added Rockt Dock program for a stylish look for the desktop
- PowerMenu was added to Windows in the Windows Control
- Added 60 user pictures
- Added Themes beautiful Oanrar and Yahoo
Added programs: -
System: -
- Winrar
- FastStone Image Viewer
- Ultra Iso
- C Cleaner
- Foxit Reader
Internet: -
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla firefox
- Internet download manager
- Yahoo Messenger
Multimedia: -
- Flash Player
- QQPlayer
- AIMP Player
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